Promote your new products or current offers business- and cost-efficiently for the IFA in Berlin

Do you have new products or current offers that you would like to present as highlights at the world's leading trade fair IFA? Would you therefore like to present your products/offers to all relevant retail channels and/or invite them to your stand in a cost-effective and effective way and with the highest channel circulation in the ICT/CE and photo retail sector in Germany?

Then book an entire 4c page in our online SUPERRESELLER channel brochure - for almost the price of one advert you will receive up to 4 adverts!

Why advertise in SUPERRESELLER?

SUPERRESELLER is your unique opportunity to achieve record-breaking distribution among the almost 50,000 retailers with a subscription. This in turn means that you will reach a further 130,000 - 180,000 readers from retail circles through the retailers. An enormous impact! With the help of the many important retailers who combine computer, telecoms and digital photography products, you can reach the buyers (and by passing on the reading material, their sellers too). The best reason to advertise is that SUPERRESELLER costs no more than a page in a normal publication. It's affordable. And reaches your target audience.

When to advertise?

In Europe, August/September is the best business quarter. Our campaign is geared towards reaching the market in this period.

You have new products or current offers...

...that you would like to present as highlights at the world's leading trade fair IFA? Would you therefore like to present your products/offers to all relevant trade channels and/or invite them to your trade fair stand in a cost-effective and effective manner and with the highest channel circulation available in the ICT/CE and photo trade in Germany ?

Then book...

...a whole page in our SUPERRESELLER channel brochure - in principle you get up to 6 adverts for almost the price of one advert, because the brochure is enclosed online with four to six FH magazines in the full edition of the trade fair edition of approx . 130,000 - 180,000 copies! Thanks to the record circulation of around 130,000 - 180,000 and the multiple reach of your channel target group, EVERY retailer and volume buyer will become aware of this campaign!

Your benefits with a stand at
Reseller Park at IFA Berlin

Good position
on the exhibition grounds. This guarantees that you will be seen!
Networking Guarantee
Highly frequented networking B2B (to B2C) marketplace. Many retailers meet here!
Reusable complete exhibition construction and service package.
All-round carefree
Price includes everything except travel & hotel
Stands from 6 m² complete exhibition stand up to 150m² individual stand - everything is possible!
Delicious catering
Not just tasty: catering is prepared and organized as sustainably as possible.
(Over 90% vegetarian.)
Germany's largest channel edition at the trade fair
No wastage due to channel brochure
Reduces approx. 75% of marketing costs
The right time for IFA

DigitalBau videos

Sustainable and climate-friendly exhibition projects

Not just since we were on the sidelines of IFA Berlin organized our “studio climate conferences” (including with Fridays for Future-Spokeswoman), an exhibition presence organized as sustainably and environmentally friendly as possible is our highest concern, because we know the Relevance of climate change in business and trade. (almost) 100% of our stand buildings can be reused, at least the rest can be recycled. The catering, for example in the Reseller Park at IFA for our 100+ exhibitors, is also prepared and organized as sustainably as possible (over 90% vegetarian). Our “Sustainability Area” houses the “Refurbished Zone” and the “Green Tech” area with workshops and presentations on green tech topics.

CONCLUSION: low expenditure — good return on investment = low measurement risk
Alexander Loeser
Sales Manager

+49 1734539451

Jan Nintemann

+49 175 5413050

Request booth


Years of SmartHome


Jahre Green Tech


Exhibitor stands organized


Years of B2B2C full-service marketplace
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