Reseller Park @ IFA Berlin

Sustainable and climate-friendly B2B exhibition project

Efficiency in B2B2C — a 25-year success story: so far over 2,000 stands speak for themselves - networking & business guaranteed...

The IFA Berlin Reseller Park is an essential part of the leading trade fair for consumer electronics. It has steadily increased over the years and is currently home to over 100 exhibitors.

Together with our diverse channel promotion campaigns (for example, advertising your products and/or your offers in the SUPERRESELLER), these reliably generate a high “pull of trade visitors” in the run-up to the trade fair. In addition to the new sustainability topics in Reseller Park (refurbishing!) Mobile, IT, CE & home applications include distribution + trade; providers of smart home solutions are also among the green tech solutions, as they usually help to save 15 - 30% of CO2 emissions.

The IFA Berlin Reseller Park It therefore forms a central platform for actors in the field of consumer electronics, which value on Sustainability, innovative sales solutions and exchange within the industry lay. With its comprehensive range of It offers exhibition space and services ideal conditions for companiesto present their products and solutions to a wide audience and to establish new business contacts.

Your benefits with a stand at
Reseller Park at IFA Berlin

Good position
on the exhibition grounds. This guarantees that you will be seen!
Networking Guarantee
Highly frequented networking B2B (to B2C) marketplace. Many retailers meet here!
Reusable complete exhibition construction and service package.
All-round carefree
Price includes everything except travel & hotel
Stands from 6 m² complete exhibition stand up to 150m² individual stand - everything is possible!
Delicious catering
Not just tasty: catering is prepared and organized as sustainably as possible.
(Over 90% vegetarian.)
Effortless + sustainable
Business efficiency
Experience + trustable
Low fair risk

DigitalBau videos

Sustainable and climate-friendly exhibition projects

Not just since we were on the sidelines of IFA Berlin organized our “studio climate conferences” (including with Fridays for Future-Spokeswoman), an exhibition presence organized as sustainably and environmentally friendly as possible is our highest concern, because we know the Relevance of climate change in business and trade. (almost) 100% of our stand buildings can be reused, at least the rest can be recycled. The catering, for example in the Reseller Park at IFA for our 100+ exhibitors, is also prepared and organized as sustainably as possible (over 90% vegetarian). Our “Sustainability Area” houses the “Refurbished Zone” and the “Green Tech” area with workshops and presentations on green tech topics.

CONCLUSION: low expenditure — good return on investment = low measurement risk
Alexander Loeser
Sales Manager

+49 1734539451

Cristina Moreira Ventura
Sales Administration Manager

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Exhibitor stands organized


Years of B2B2C full-service marketplace


Years of SmartHome


Jahre Green Tech
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